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Jason's Launch

It is with overwhelming joy that I am writing to share with you that our astronaut, Jason Makaroff, officially launched today! I'm not sure I know how to describe all that I feel. I am so proud to be the wife and God-given partner of this explorer. Jason has always been "out of this world" and I am truly happy today that he has made it to the place that he was always meant to be and where he fits—with God.

I remember the day that God put His love in my heart for JMak. I could have never even begun to imagine the beautiful, perfect way that God would unfold our life together. We've had a beautiful 18 years together in this part of life. What I can sincerely say is that the last 8 months of our life together have been the deepest, closest, and most connected we have ever been. It is everything that Jason and I both desired and we had the blessing of experiencing it in this lifetime.

Today was more beautiful than I could have imagined. With his best friend, Jason Armstrong, on one side and me on the other, we watched our friend "launch" into his new eternal life.

Jason said something to me the other day that is very deep. "We can be working so hard to find God, we miss Him. Sometimes we just miss Him in everyday things.” Then he said to me, “sit down and have a cup of coffee.”

Jason loved to sit and talk. Always. I hope you can stop for a minute and grab a cup of coffee and a friend and enjoy something that Jason wanted me to give you all—signs and traces of the love and life he experienced with God these last 8 months. And then spend some time doing what Jason would have loved for all of us to do—be together. He didn't want us to miss any moment together.

“There comes a day when we will die

Time will stop and say goodbye

One more breath then close our eyes

But it's not the end, it′s not the end of everything

Life is short don′t waste it,

Breathe it in and taste it

God gives and takes it

So one day when I'm gone

I′ll leave signs and traces

Of our times and places

So you always know you're loved

And I am always near”

"Signs and Traces" by Tim Be Told

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