When I got my cancer diagnosis a little over two months ago, I was bound and determined to live each day to the fullest. I had a positive mindset and was certain that I was going to use this new life circumstance to help me really embrace life and make every moment count. But after several hospital stays, two separate blood infections (also life-threatening), 6 weeks of at-home IV antibiotics, and then my first round of chemo, I found that life was getting the best of me. Through all of that, I seemed to hold on to a good mindset and perspective.... for the most part. But when I lost my taste buds, this cancer diagnosis started to get the best of me. I started to get caught up in how I felt, how uninspired I was about eating, looking at the negative things instead of keeping my perspective of really living. I didn't even realize it, but it was starting to steal some life, energy, and joy from me. Fortunately, my life coach gave me a "candy-ass" speech like Herb Brooks from the movie "Miracle." Boy, did it get me going! (More to come this week in Episode 6 about the coaching session that helped turn me around!)
That speech changed my perspective and I ended up having an incredible time at the Fourth of July event I attended. Rather than just being a passive participant, I decided to bring my "A" game and was the disc jockey for the event. I left it all on the court.
I played music from every genre and every decade. I played my piano. I announced the corn hole tournament and I didn't let the lack of taste buds slow me down! Most of all, I lived and enjoyed the day! Rather than just being another picnic that soon fades away as a memory, I created a day that I will remember. I needed that push from my coach - it was a game-changer for me!
None of us really knows how much time we have. It’s important to live every day to the fullest! I think sometimes the routine of life can quench that and we begin to just fall into a mode of doing things. There is a different way to think about life. We don’t contemplate the past and have regrets. We always look forward to what’s ahead and live in the moment!
I think the quote from the movie Secretariat is a good one to follow:
“This isn’t about going back, it’s about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can go unless you run.” ~Penny Chenery (Secretariat)

What an incredible message, Jason! Your way of expressing yourself and your inspiring messages are so impactful! I remember the first time I heard you play the piano in the chapel at LAH and was in awe at your ability! Sending you and your loved ones prayers of peace, hope, joy, and perseverance!
Amazing and shakes me up to follow suit my friend—you are the man and I admire you so much. Love the DJ Pic—wish I was there!!!
Great perspective. Making lemonade out of lemons. Praying for you Jason!!!